Assessment of Groundwater Quality of Assabaa Region, Libya
Abdulbasit M. Abeish1 , Omar Ali Said2

The present work was carried out in order to investigate the physical and chemical quality of the Libyan Assabaa groundwater and the degree of its contamination. The achieved results were compared with international quality standards for drinking water. The samples were collected from five water wells of the Assabaa region. Several parameters were examined including Colour, Taste, smell, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), Calcium and Magnesium Hardness, Total Hardness, Iron, Fluoride, Ammonia, Phosphate and Chloride. The results showed that the groundwater of Assabaa area were within the limitations of WHO Standards. However, some samples had a bit high of concentrations for TDS and Total Hardness. The most of the water wells shared the high concentration of Total Hardness which might be due to the earth geology of the studied area. This makes the water tasty unacceptable and therefore, the water might not be used as drinking water.
