Smart City Lighting System
Hamam Elsaiti, Abdelsalam Saleh Elrashdi

With over 50 billion objects are connected and deployed in smart cities in 2020. The IoT is considered as a core concept of a smart city that aims to apply leading-edge communication technologies to develop reliable and efficient services for the smart city citizens and to achieve smart recognitions, positioning, tracking, monitoring, and administration of all the physical objects in the smart city, however, one of the new opportunities to achieve an IoT-enabled smart city environment is to obtain a smart lighting system (SLS) the purpose of SLS is to gain an independent and operative lighting management system, this paper is presenting a system to switch street lights on and off using LDR sensor and video vehicle detection sensor to detect vehicles and pedestrians with Rasberry pi as a backend and a ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) to communicate, furthermore, we will present the advantages of using the proposed system.
